[Roadsters] OT: vintage pics for aircraft buffs

davesmbox at aol.com davesmbox at aol.com
Wed May 28 13:37:17 MDT 2008

There is a flying A-26 named "RUDE INVADER'" Flew out of Hanscom in Bedford Mass about 15 years ago. I managed the reconstruction of runway 11/29. I used to pull up behind him while he was taxi ing.Call him on the ground radio and ask for a ride.?Never got a ride in it though. I did get a ride in the B24 "Dragon and his tail" Trip of a lifetime. Contact Collings Foundation Stowe Ma. They can tell you where the A26 is now.
Dave M

-----Original Message-----
From: Jim Gammon <gtpjimgammon at yahoo.com>
To: Datsun roadster <datsun-roadsters at autox.team.net>
Sent: Wed, 28 May 2008 2:22 pm
Subject: Re: [Roadsters] OT: vintage pics for aircraft buffs

My Dad was a navigator, co-pilot and bombadier on A-26 Douglas Invader. Was 
remarked B-26 in Korea. Only twin engine bomber that flew combat in WW2, Korea 
and Vietnam. 
I just wish I had ever heard the plane run, very fast. 

--- On Wed, 5/28/08, RWM <RWM at RWMann.com> wrote:

From: RWM <RWM at RWMann.com>
Subject: Re: [Roadsters] OT: vintage pics for aircraft buffs
To: datsun-roadsters at autox.team.net
Date: Wednesday, May 28, 2008, 12:12 PM

There is an A-12 on the deck of the U.S.S. Intrepid -- which NYC hopes 
to get back in a year or so after it is refitted.

Not sure where it originated or its planned route of flight, but late 
Monday afternoon we had a B-17 at about 5,000 feet and climbing out over 
Oyster Bay/Long Island Sound headed roughly north-west. No red fin, so 
it wasn't the Collings airplane "909".  Can't mistake the
sound of those 
radials at high power.


stl at adnc.com wrote:

>There is a Blackbird at the entrance of the San Diego Air and Space  
>Museum in Balboa Park next to a Sea Dart, of all things.  Quite a  
>contrast of technologies.  The Blackbird looks wicked indeed.
>It is saying something that P-38's still capture the imagination long  
>after the advent of jets and moon walks.
>Steve Landuyt
>'69 2000
>Quoting Gordon Glasgow <gsglasgow at comcast.net>:
>>Very nice! I love the P-38s.
>>BTW, anyone who makes it to Seattle should visit the Museum of Flight
>>(www.museumofflight.org). They've got a huge collection of planes
>>the list: http://www.museumofflight.org/Display.asp?Page=airspace).
>>And it's the only place I know of where you can walk around a
Blackbird. For
>>a plane that doesn't even have weapons, it just looks wicked!
>>Gordon Glasgow
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