[Roadsters] Team.Net spring fund drive

Tom @ Datsun2000 tom at datsun2000.com
Wed May 28 00:32:04 MDT 2008

I have decided that the weather here in Oregon, and apparently in Utah, is
politically incorrect.

69 2000 - Mr. Hyde

On 5/7/2008 1:42:00 AM, Mark J Bradakis (mark at bradakis.com) wrote:
> Gee, the beginning days of May, usually  pleasant spring weather.
> Woke up to 34 degrees F with light snow falling the other morning
> here in Salt Lake City.  Nice.  Springtime indeed!
> Seasoned subscribers know the drill,
> here's an outline for others.
> The Team.Net mailing lists -  http://www.team.net/mailman/listinfo
> and http://www.team.net/cgi-bin/majorcool ( I'm
> slowly getting
> around to moving all the lists from majordomo to mailman )
> FTP site, archives, wiki ( http://www.team.net/the-local ) are all
> run by some dweeb who spends too much time hiding out in a
> basement office whacking on computers instead of working on
> and driving his cars.
> Basically it is a labor of love that has been going on for roughly
> 20 years, 17 years since the Team.Net domain was registered on
> April 11, 1991.  But there are some out of pocket expenses that
> are needed to keep things going.  So once or twice a year I ask
> for funding assistance to help cover the costs of this "free" service.
> So if you have a few extra bucks on hand and want to stimulate the
> Team.Net economy, check out http://www.team.net/donate.html
> for details.
> Thanks,
> mjb.
> ________________________________________

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