[Roadsters] Heater Control Cables
Matthew A. Smith
matthews517 at earthlink.net
Wed May 21 15:51:51 MDT 2008
-----Original Message-----
From: jim williams [mailto:sportsix63 at yahoo.com]
Mine is a 1970.
I tried to go in on the drivers side but too much
stuff is in the way.
Its the hot/cold control I need to replace. I just
can't get enough room to get my hand in there. I got
the cable out, the new cable ready to go but the clamp
and screw that holds the cable is the problem.
I'll try the glove box thought.
OK Jim,
If it gets to bee too hairy a job, or you are about to mess up the glove box
cardboard, try this:
* It is spring... close the valve to the core manually. This fall,
re-open it.
* You could close the valve ALMOST all the way, so it gets very little
hot coolant passing thru it so it doesn't rust out or the coolant go bad.
* Even more effective, how bout a piece of hose to bypass the heater
core completely? (Remember tho that you will have coolant going stagnant in
the heater core and causing corrosion)
If you're like I am, and the thought that the cable doesn't work is pissing
you off, go for it. Do what ya gotta do. My glove box project started
because I HATED knowing that there was a hole in the back because of an
aftermarket radio. I couldn't see it. I didn't use it. But I KNEW IT WAS
Once I started taking it out, I realized why some folks say it's not a
project for the faint of heart. Even with good laser cut replacement
cardboard parts I would not be too confident that I could put one back
together and make it look stock. Mine doesn't look stock, but it's not far
off. It's the same dimensions, just not made of cardboard. I covered the
pieces of aluminum with black grained vinyl before putting them together.
Oh, by the way, I didn't put it together and THEN try to put it in, like the
cardboard ones are. I actually (finally) figured out that I needed to build
the thing INSIDE the glove box area (like a ship in a bottle). I wanted to
rivet it together cuz I thought it would look cool, but I used screws so I
can also dismantle it and get to the things like the clock, heater cables,
Now you've got me going. I'm going to go out and take it apart and take some
pix. I'll try to post them tonight or this weekend so everyone can see.
Above all...HAVE FUN!
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