[Roadsters] sway bar towers - keeping them straight

Matthew A. Smith matthews517 at earthlink.net
Tue May 13 15:37:40 MDT 2008

Wow that brings back memories! I haven't jumped railroad tracks since the
early 80's! I'm ITCHING to do it again now! It's not going to happen in my
Roadster, but maybe I'll have to get a rental car this weekend. As the other
Jeff Foxworthy said... pay for the extra insurance. Because that Ford Fiesta
is going to see more airtime than a skateboarder at the X Games!

My former "jump-mobile" was a hot rodded 64 Chevy 1/2 ton long bed pickup
with a big block (my first car... Thanks Mom!) Some of you Southern
California folks may even know this place. Simi Valley, going down Sycamore,
hitting the tracks at about 80 will land you 3/4 of the way across L.A.
Avenue!!! HAHAHAHAHA! 15 feet of air and about a 60 foot jump. Eventually
the frame broke but OH MY GOD it was fun!
Matt "redneck" Smith

-----Original Message-----
From: datsun-roadsters-bounces+matthews517=earthlink.net at autox.team.net
[mailto:datsun-roadsters-bounces+matthews517=earthlink.net at autox.team.net]
On Behalf Of nmleeds at mindspring.com
Sent: Tuesday, May 13, 2008 12:10 PM
To: datsun-roadsters at autox.team.net
Subject: [Roadsters] sway bar towers - keeping them straight

I let my 16 year old sister drive the my Datsun. She has trouble with boys
and I thought that wereas the Datsun's not noticed among professional aged
women I thought it might really do the trick with teenage boys. Someone in
our family should do some cruising.

Well, cruise she did. After taking it to school, dusting a couple of cars in
the teacher's parking lot, and getting it away before the school
administrators could "make" (her word) her she went out to the county and
drove it fast over some railway crossings.

At some point in her escapades the sway bar towers got hit and bent back.
I'd noticed they been hit before an there was some frame bending behind them
even before sis got in the car. Although I'd like to blame her I think that
she's not the first person to hit the towers. 

We bent the towers back. But since I also want buzz the teacher's parking
lot and scream acround the countryside I'm concerned that this might happen
again. Also sis clocks in at 110 lbs, I'm 210 lbs, and my fiance weighs a
lot more than my sister's non-existant boy friend (0 lbs), or scowling best
friend (95 lbs).

Nathaniel Leeds
'69 2000
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