[Roadsters] Beware of parts requests--pls read

davesmbox at aol.com davesmbox at aol.com
Fri May 9 20:39:07 MDT 2008

WOW. I hope your wrong but you are probably right, Shit and I just bought Nigerian snow tires. No just kidding. It's hard to believe that kind of rot would invade our community.

-----Original Message-----
From: Tim <tputland at charter.net>
To: tom at datsun2000.com; Datsun-Roadsters at Autox. Team. Net <datsun-roadsters at autox.team.net>
Sent: Fri, 9 May 2008 10:27 pm
Subject: [Roadsters] Beware of parts requests--pls read

I am sure I don't need to tell any one this but I am still going to.

When Tom forwarded that part request that he had received, to this list, it
most likely was a scam. I am still seriously hoping it wasn't, but read on

I don't know if any one else replied to that request for an SRL grill that
came from a "Holger" in Sweden, but I did, in an effort to "help out a
'fellow' Roadster owner".

Like quite a lot of the rest of you, I have parts to sell to help finance my

I wondered if this person was too good to be true since the two grilles I have
are kind of rough and He/She(?) was very interested in one of them. I named a
(reasonable but profitable) price, it was accepted, without hesitation, and we
were working out payment details. I figured since this person said they were
in Sweden, that paypal was the best bet. This person said they don't use
paypal and told me all they needed was my name and bank account number and
they would transfer the money to me. HELLOOOOO..ALARM BELLS AND ALL THAT
STUFF. Anyway, I have not heard a word since I said that I don't give out bank

Again, I know that I don't have to tell most, if any of you this, but please
be careful. We are a pretty tight community; those of us who own these little
Roadsters, and it seems there are those who will try to take advantage of this
rather trusting part of our Roadster family.

I may add a permanent addition to my signature...

Belleville, WI.
Still clueless but always learning--BUT NOT THAT CLUELESS!

---- "Tom @ Datsun2000" <tom at datsun2000.com> wrote:


The request was sent to my by Holger, in Sweden.  Here is the note he sent
to me.



Hi Tom,
my name is Holger and IB4m a Datsun SRL owner from Sweden, I need a grill to
my car, could you help me with that?

holger.freundlich at siemens.com



On 5/9/2008 7:41:46 AM, Tim (tputland at charter.net) wrote:
> Who posted that SRL grill part request please?
> Contact me off list if you would be so kind.
> Thanks
> Tim
> Belleville, WI.
> Still clueless but always learning
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