[Roadsters] side moulding needed

gregs672liter at netzero.net gregs672liter at netzero.net
Fri May 9 00:30:57 MDT 2008

Greetings list, I am in need of a complete set of side moulding for a late
model.  I have been redoing the body work on my 2000 and contemplating the
elimination of all side moulding (mine was non-stock) but after looking at the
lines of the car, I have decided that the separation (particularly in the rear
quarters) was there for a reason, and I would have to put in a lot of body
filler to make the lines match up well with the rest of the car.  If you have
a set, please contact me off list and let me know what you want for it.  I
also have a few things I would consider trading for, such as almost new OER
Racing carbs (Mikuni/Weber hybrids) for a 2000...
Greg Burrows
67 2000

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