[Roadsters] Mitty Bad News

dave daveandlindab at comcast.net
Wed May 7 19:20:25 MDT 2008

There are a few downsides to a one wire alternator in an older car.
Short version, it doesn't regulate the voltage as well as a 3 wire with
the sensing wire at proper place.  That said, my one wire has been
trouble free.
Mounted it on drivers side (69 2000), factory bracket, no muss no fuss,
ran a 10 ga to the battery switch and all done.  Have pics if anyone
wonders how it all fits on the drivers side.

This guy knows WAY more than me.  His whole site is very informative and
addictive if you are a tech junkie.  The part about fusible links could
save a lot of harnesses. Read and then decide.


Dave Brisco

-----Original Message-----
From: Hall, Phillip B. (MSFC-ED03) [mailto:Phillip.B.Hall at nasa.gov] 
 Yea, but Matt's luck is spreading.....

I got my Roadster together in time for the Mitty, but other obligations
stood in the way.  So, I was driving my Roadster and my alternator quit!
I noticed my amp gage on the negative side of its world.  If I would
have taken off to the Mitty, Matt would have had good "return" company.

Now - repair original or one-wire... That is the question....


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