[Roadsters] Mitty Bad News

Matthew A. Smith matthews517 at earthlink.net
Tue May 6 06:37:37 MDT 2008

Thanks for the GHF perspective Jon,

Now the glass is nearly > full, since I ALSO figured out why Im on my 5th
10SI alternator in a little over a year. There are two ways to wire these
things. Heres a hint. Dont wire it BOTH ways. It turns out electricity
doesnt like to go in two directions on the same wire. It tends to burn up
diodes and voltage regulators REALLY FAST! My volt meter needle no longer
waves at me after about 100 miles of installing a new alt. Ill miss the
little fella. Another plus is that I can now swap alternators in my car in
about 1 = minutes if necessary. A real advantage for the Mechanic on the

So, anyone have the dates for next years Mitty yet? :-)

I have one more day of vacation left. Im heading to North Carolina in a few
minutes. Guna go run the Tail of the Dragon a few times.

Matt Smith

Definitely a bummer that it happened but from a "glass is half full"
perspective it was a good thing you were paying attention so it didn't get

Jon Frampton
Huntington Beach

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