[Roadsters] Stock vs. Modified, original engines

chalsted chalsted at comcast.net
Thu May 1 07:27:47 MDT 2008

if folks are having a hard time finding U20's and R16's, I have probably 15 
of each along with  lots of 4 and 5 speeds available. contact me offlist if 
you need any of those or other used parts. as for stock vs. modified, I have 
roadsters from stock 1500 to a 240hp supercharged GM 3800 tall windshield 
roadster (mostly projects) and I like 'em all- especially the ones I can 
drive :-)  I occasionaly drop 2L drivetrains into 1600's but any non- 
roadster drivetrains were already in the cars when I got them. have a 
roadster frame modified for a 215 aluminum V8 available along with a stroker 
215 good for about 300hp if anyone's interested... ;-)

mostly roadsters 

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