[Roadsters] 240Z rear brake drums fit? (was "Re: A few questions")

gregs672liter at netzero.net gregs672liter at netzero.net
Tue Mar 11 17:51:50 MST 2008

I was not sure if they were the same as Roadsters or not, and these were brand
new never used and for $50 seemed like a good idea to pick up just in case.

-- ppeters914 at comcast.net wrote:
Hmmmm.....excellent point, Craig.

Why -WOULD- one replace the roadster drums with 240Z drums? Anyone? Bueller?


-------------- Original message ----------------------
From: "chalsted" <chalsted at comcast.net>
> I'm not sure what the benefits of putting Z drums on our roadsters are but
> if it's a matter of not being able to find roadster drums, I have at least
> 10 pairs that have never even had a first cut done on them available...
> from a racer who always replaced them with new, never turned them. finned
> ones, not the earlier ones although I have those also
> Craig
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