[Roadsters] Spark Plugs - General Info

Gary and Cindy Ault aultgc at att.net
Tue Jun 17 20:11:29 MDT 2008

For years, before buying my roadster, I used nothing but Champion plugs, 
with great success.  So, I tried a set of Champions in the roadster.  Went 
back to NGKs pretty quickly.  Can't explain it.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Hall, Phillip B. (MSFC-ED03)" <Phillip.B.Hall at nasa.gov>
To: <datsun-roadsters at autox.team.net>
Sent: Tuesday, June 17, 2008 1:53 PM
Subject: Re: [Roadsters] Spark Plugs - General Info

> Back in the day when I was paid to work on Roadsters, we would get them
> in to the shop running very badly.  The owners (like us) would do the
> basic tune-up to end up with a Roadster that would not idle and have
> miss.  We would have them give us 5 minutes to "check it out", then call
> them back into the shop to a nicely running car.  They would be stumped
> - how did we work the magic??  We just changed plugs to NGK BP6ES.  We
> just charged them for the plugs and had happy campers.  A lot of people
> would go to the parts house and buy all kinds of plugs that just would
> not work in a Roadster.
> Plugs - one of the simple things about a Roadster.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: datsun-roadsters-bounces+phillip.b.hall=nasa.gov at autox.team.net
> [mailto:datsun-roadsters-bounces+phillip.b.hall=nasa.gov at autox.team.net]
> On Behalf Of RWM
> Sent: Tuesday, June 17, 2008 1:39 PM
> To: datsun-roadsters at autox.team.net
> Subject: Re: [Roadsters] Spark Plugs - General Info
> Linda,
> To be blunt, I haven't tried any other plugs.  "If it ain't broke...", I
> ain't spending time trying to fix it.
> Put another way, there are enough other problems elsewhere than the
> Roadster to fully occupy my time.
> - Bob
> P.S.  I cannot more highly recommend the Gary Boone EI distributor (and
> a hotter coil to go with) and a gear reduction starter is a big plus,
> too.
> ljordan704 at netscape.net wrote:
>> So despite a EI distributor, stronger coil, better plug wires the
> plugs are still NGK BP 6ES?
>>No performance improvement with other plugs?
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: RWM <RWM at RWMann.com>
>>To: datsun-roadsters at autox.team.net
>>Sent: Tue, 17 Jun 2008 10:21 am
>>Subject: Re: [Roadsters] Spark Plugs - General Info
>>ljordan704 at netscape.net wrote:
>>>So any thoughts about what this means for the Roadster?
>>>68 1600
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>From: Daryl Smith <drlsmith at dccnet.com>
>>>To: Datsun Roadster List <datsun-roadsters at autox.team.net>
>>>Sent: Sun, 15 Jun 2008 10:25 pm
>>>Subject: [Roadsters] Spark Plugs - General Info
>>>In case someone else might be interested:
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