[Roadsters] Advice request

Gary and Cindy Ault aultgc at att.net
Tue Jun 17 20:06:40 MDT 2008


If this is a 2000 motor, don't forget the 6mm cap screw (10mm head) which 
secures the upper chain guide to the head.  Particularly if the engine is in 
the car. Don't ask how I come to offer this advice...

Gary Ault
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Matthew A. Smith" <matthews517 at earthlink.net>
To: <datsun-roadsters at autox.team.net>
Sent: Tuesday, June 17, 2008 5:06 AM
Subject: [Roadsters] Advice request

> Hi All,
> I'm hours away from tearing into my engine. I'll be having the head done
> (valve seats, likely a couple of valves replaced, guides, etc), replacing
> timing chains, water pump, oil pump, fuel pump, and all hoses. The only
> thing I'm worried about is the timing chain and head replacement. If 
> anyone
> has any hints about the task I'm about to undertake, I'd really appreciate
> it. Things like, how do I make damn sure I get the cam in the right 
> position
> when I put the head back on. I do own the "Datsun Roadster Books" so I'm
> sure I can figure out the right way to do the job. I just figure that
> someone has hints about how NOT to do things. It's always good to know 
> where
> the land mines are before walking into the field!
> Thanks!
> Matt
> And Loreli (she's a 1970 Solex 2000)
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