[Roadsters] My recent photo shoot
ljordan704 at netscape.net
ljordan704 at netscape.net
Thu Jun 12 19:14:39 MDT 2008
So let me see if I can translate here, Matt. You're not meeting enough hot chicks? Welllll, maybe you should get a nice pic of your car and submit it to a vehicle supplier to the movies, and ,oh yeah, FASHION magazines (LOL) and then you could have met a nice model and then stood there while she says your car is "cute" (LOL again) !!
68 1600
-----Original Message-----
From: Matthew A. Smith <matthews517 at earthlink.net>
To: 'Gary McCormick' <gkmcc at sbcglobal.net>; ljordan704 at netscape.net
Cc: datsun-roadsters at autox.team.net
Sent: Wed, 11 Jun 2008 3:27 pm
Subject: RE: [Roadsters] My recent photo shoot
So what the hell did I do wrong then? I'm usually driving with Tater, my
hound dog, in the passenger seat. Women love the dog, GUYS love the car! I
was actually hoping, when I bought my car, that it would be a "chick
magnet". Now I have to leave 20 minutes early no matter where I go, because
some guy is going to tell me about his friend, dad, cousin, etc. who had a
Datsun Roadster, 510, 210, Z, truck, whatever, and how great that car was
and how much cooler this one is than that one.
-----Original Message-----
From: datsun-roadsters-bounces+matthews517=earthlink.net at autox.team.net
[mailto:datsun-roadsters-bounces+matthews517=earthlink.net at autox.team.net]
On Behalf Of Gary McCormick
Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2008 9:51 PM
To: ljordan704 at netscape.net
Cc: datsun-roadsters at autox.team.net
Subject: Re: [Roadsters] My recent photo shoot
So - were the first words out of her mouth when she saw the car "What a
cute car!". Every - and I mean EVERY - woman who sees my '70 2000 for
the first time has said that...
Gary McCormick
San Jose, CA
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