[Roadsters] Jumping 4th ( update ) (update to the update )

Gary and Cindy Ault aultgc at att.net
Mon Jun 9 20:23:41 MDT 2008


Mike Harper's answer is technically correct, but more descriptive is:  About 
10 pounds (penalty), and, with SUs, about 40 horsepower and 30 pounds-feet 
of torque, in favor of the SRL.

Take it from someone who transplanted a 2000 into a '66-1600.  It transforms 
the car.

(Now we'll hear from the guys who put 240SX and other modern)motors and 
trannies into theirs, which I will acknowledge up front transforms the car a 
lot more.)

Gary Ault

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "DeWayne Reichert" <drreich48 at yahoo.com>
To: <datsun-roadsters at autox.team.net>
Sent: Sunday, June 08, 2008 11:58 PM
Subject: Re: [Roadsters] Jumping 4th ( update ) (update to the update )

> Well the tranny is now in pieces laying  in order thay came out in. 
> Everything looks good, feels smooth, except. Thats right a BIG THANKS to 
> dewey for the insight. The coupling sleeve was full of burrs on the 4th 
> gear side. Not sure why or how, but if youflip it over and use the side 
> that was 3rd gear . Snap it goes right on to 4th with a nice tight fit. So 
> once agin thank you all  for your input.
>  DeWayne
>  68 SRL 311
>  Ps. dumb ? of the day whats the differance in the SRL & SPL
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