[Roadsters] Jumping 4th ( update )

Dewey Hahlbohm hahlbohmd at earthlink.net
Sat Jun 7 14:28:37 MDT 2008

The coupling sleeves slide over the synchros.  They are a weak spot of the 5 speed tranny, and often overlooked during rebuild.  However, I am not sure why they won't slide over that 4th gear synchro???  Is there a burr on the outside of the synchro or inside the coupling sleeve?  Dewey  

-----Original Message-----
>From: DeWayne Reichert <drreich48 at yahoo.com>
>Sent: Jun 7, 2008 1:21 PM
>To: datsun-roadsters at autox.team.net
>Subject: Re: [Roadsters] Jumping 4th ( update )
>Ok so I have the tranny out and the cases apart, it looks like that  the 4th gear does not fully mesh with the sencro. Whats up with that? Spacer or  bushing in the wrong place?  Gears not completely pressed in place? It shifts ok but only seem to go 1/2 way on to 4th gear. It does not snap onto it like the rest of the gears.   
>  Thanks for your thoughts
>  DeWayne & Jeanne
>  68 SRL 311
>  Ps. whahoo I checked the frame #'s and engine #'s, with the body tag and we have one stock matching  #'s SRL 311
>DeWayne Reichert <drreich48 at yahoo.com> wrote:
>  Long story I'll try to make short.
>We've had our roadster for a year now and it's time to get it summer ready. I've rebuilt the brakes, replaced the bearings, put in longer front studs. But I still have one thing left to fix. My 5 speed transmission jumps out of 4th gear. The guy we bought it from said he had it rebuilt and it looks like it (new paint and gaskets) It shifts fine no grinding or forcing it into gear. But you put the power to 4th and out it jumps. Any ideas or thoughts before I tear into it would be great.
>DeWayne & Jeanne
>68, 2000
>SRL - 311
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