[Roadsters] Got time?

tminerpcav at aol.com tminerpcav at aol.com
Sat Jun 7 12:13:22 MDT 2008


You might call Jon Frampton "The Gauge Expert"?, he knows a thing or two about gauges (and everything else). He can befound lurking on this list.

Tim Miner

-----Original Message-----
From: Brad and Gayle Holmes <bradandgayle at charter.net>
To: datsun-roadsters at autox.team.net
Sent: Sat, 7 Jun 2008 9:16 am
Subject: [Roadsters] Got time?

Dear listers

I'm working on the dash/instruments of my wife's 70 - 2000 automatic and found
a gear in the clock has decided to detach itself and do the shake rattle and
roll inside the housing. There was a thread a while back about instrument
repair and I can't locate any info on it and yes, I've looked  on 311.

Anyone know of a shop or person who can repair the roadster clock or does
anyone/vendor have a good running and as accurate as they get clock they want
to sell?

Brad Holmes
Montgomery, AL
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