[Roadsters] Jumping 4th

Keith0alan at aol.com Keith0alan at aol.com
Wed Jun 4 08:00:09 MDT 2008

In a message dated 6/4/2008 6:36:09 A.M. Pacific Daylight Time,  
drreich48 at yahoo.com writes:

Long  story I'll try to make short.
We've had our roadster for a year now  and it's time to get it summer ready. 
I've rebuilt the brakes, replaced the  bearings, put in longer front studs. 
But I still have one thing left to fix.  My 5 speed transmission  jumps out of 
4th gear. The guy we bought it from  said he had it rebuilt and it looks like 
it (new paint and gaskets) It shifts  fine no grinding or forcing it into gear. 
But you put the power to 4th and out  it jumps. Any ideas or thoughts before 
I tear into it would be  great.

DeWayne &  Jeanne
68, 2000
SRL - 311

My ideas would be bent shift fork, missing detent ball or spring, shift dog  
worn, or external shift lever bumping the body. The first or second are the 
most  likely. As I recall some of the detent balls can be accessed from the 
outside  but most involve opening up the transmission. About 90% chance you are 
looking  at opening it up again to fix a fairly simple problem.

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