[Roadsters] New subscriber - old questions

Brian Smith w.brian.smith at gmail.com
Mon Jun 2 19:47:46 MDT 2008

Thanks to everyone for pointing out my lack of location... and to think, I
pester the users of my forum to do the same!

I'm in Horn Lake, MS which is about 10 miles south of Memphis, TN.

I'm not stranger to cars with "personality" as I've had 14 Mazda RX-7s
(glutton for punishment, maybe?) with my last one being a 1988 with a V8 and
six speed out of a 1995 Camaro.

I will probably put together a site this weekend to document the restoration
process, which will be quite an undertaking.

On Mon, Jun 2, 2008 at 8:14 PM, Pat <Pat at hornesystemstx.com> wrote:

> Brian,
> Welcome to the list.
> There are two places on our cars where the serial number is stamped, on the
> plate you found, and on the right front frame rail under the front carb. It
> may be hard to find, but cross lighting and a clean rail you will see it.
> Early dashes can be put in later cars. I think there is mention of that on
> www.311s.org, but I could be mistaken.
> Where are you located?
> Peace,
> Pat
> Thusly spake Brian Smith:
>> Hi everyone,
>> Just subscribed earlier today. I picked up my first roadster yesterday,
>> it's
>> a 1969 1600. Its far from pretty but still solid enough to restore. With
>> that being said, I've got a few questions.
>> The car has been painted and painted and painted again. The top coat looks
>> like a desert floor opening up to show the multiple colors underneath. The
>> wizard that painted it last apparently never took a step down the hardware
>> aisle that sells masking tape and the ID plate is completely covered and
>> unreadable in any capacity. What's the best way to remove this paint
>> without
>> damaging the plate? I'd prefer to recover it vs. replace it as I still
>> don't
>> know what the VIN for the car is.
>> I'm sure I'll need a multitude of parts, most notably a windshield, dash
>> and
>> top. Is it possible to use an early dash in the later car? I kinda prefer
>> the early look.
>> Thanks!
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> --
> Pat Horne, Owner, Horne Systems (512) 797-7501 Voice            5026 FM
> 2001
> Pat at HorneSystemsTx.com  Lockhart, TX 78644-4443
> www.hornesystemstx.com
> -- We support Habitat for Humanity - a hand UP, not a hand OUT --

Brian Smith

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