[Roadsters] spelling

Keith0alan at aol.com Keith0alan at aol.com
Thu Jul 24 07:52:32 MDT 2008

I always thought that the word public without the L should not be  included 
in spelling checkers. It causes way too much amusement when misused and  the 
few folks who need it can add it to their dictionary. 
In a message dated 7/24/2008 6:42:11 A.M. Pacific Daylight Time,  
gkmcc at sbcglobal.net writes:


Although  only the pickiest listeners will cringe when you say these are 
them, the  traditionally correct phrase is these are they, because they is 
the  predicate nominative of these. However, if people around you seem more  
comfortable with its me than its I, you might as well stick with these  
are them.

Andy Cost <andycost at embarqmail.com> wrote: My roommate  and I got into a 
heated debate in college.  There were two sets
of  items in a box.  He wanted to know which set I was describing.  I  said
"these are those".  He said "these are they".  Decades later  it is still a
point of contention.  I think he was right but I never  capitulated.

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