[Roadsters] 14' Panasports to 15' somethings

Gordon Glasgow gsglasgow at comcast.net
Sun Jan 20 21:33:49 MST 2008

When you get much above a 24" diameter on there, you can start running into
clearance problems. I used to run a 185/70-14, which is 24.2" and it was
very tight. Part of the tightness is because of the section width, and if
you go to a 15" wheel, you're going to find it difficult if not impossible
to get anything narrower than a 195. A 195/65-15 is about 25" tall but has a
section width about 0.4" wider than a 185, so it's going to be a very tight
fit. The wheel offset is going to be critical, I think.

Gordon Glasgow
Renton, WA

-----Original Message-----
From: datsun-roadsters-bounces+gsglasgow=comcast.net at autox.team.net
[mailto:datsun-roadsters-bounces+gsglasgow=comcast.net at autox.team.net]On
Behalf Of peter harrison
Sent: Sunday, January 20, 2008 7:29 PM
To: datsun
Subject: [Roadsters] 14' Panasports to 15' somethings

Being more interested in economy than off the line stuff, I am thinking of
trading in my 14' panasports for some 15' wheels that look cool etc.(and
hopefully somewhat panasportish)

Currently running 195's

A) Anyone interested in some sort of trade ?
B) Any thoughts as to what to get?
C) Anyone want to buy when I am done?
D) Anything else that strikes one.


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