[Roadsters] 2000 engine pull ?s

jrdmf at aol.com jrdmf at aol.com
Mon Jan 7 16:26:45 MST 2008

Got mine off by reaching through the tunnel from inside the car. Was kind of a pain but I couldn't manipulate it any other way.

Jon Frampton

Huntington Beach Ca

-----Original Message-----
From: Paul <9laser3 at bright.net>
To: 'datsun-roadsters' <datsun-roadsters at autox.team.net>
Sent: Mon, 7 Jan 2008 3:08 pm
Subject: [Roadsters] 2000 engine pull ?s

  I've pulled R16s out of roadsters at least 20 times, but only a U20 once.
So I have a few questions.


  Any easy way to get the speedo cable off the tranny?  Kind of well hidden
up in the tunnel.


  Can't seem to get wrenches on the bolts holding the drive shaft to the 5
speed. Secret tool?





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