[Roadsters] Hood River Run postponed due to snow!

ppeters914 at comcast.net ppeters914 at comcast.net
Thu Apr 17 13:44:46 MDT 2008

Yeah, the roadster mo' bettah, but if the Z is the only thing running....

I was resigned to driving the Chrysler Pig Car (aka '94 Concorde) since it became apparent this week that I couldn't have the 411 ready.

Now, depending on the new date, it might be.

Pete "almost Friday"

 -------------- Original message ----------------------
From: "E Scanlon" <escanlon at wa-net.com>
> I lived in Michigan and Iowa for a total of 16 years, and I can tell you for 
> a fact that it isn't the snow...
> it's the driver's who think snow is just stiff rain, and they're the same 
> ones that don't drive so well in the rain.
> Around here, snow...period...receives round the clock - break into your 
> favorite show news coverage.  A fact that my wife STILL find hilarious after 
> being here 18 years.  "Snow Watch 200X", or StormWatch or some other catch 
> phrase....with the intro line "And three snow flakes have been observed in 
> the west hills, with reports coming in that they might take Max 
> downtown....."  and all this over less than an inch of snow.  Why?  Well, 
> because the average driver in this part of the valley simply does NOT know 
> how to drive in it.  I once observed a person in a front wheel drive car 
> accelerate from a light so hard that they spun the tires... and promptly got 
> stuck....only to accelerate MORE!!  That car ended up stuck in less than an 
> inch of snow because they melted a hole with the tire's friction.
> As much as I would like to make it, the Roadster is just not yet ready.  So 
> I was going to drive the Z....which kind of defeats the purpose of joining a 
> bunch of Roadster owners for a drive....in a Z.
> So I concur, since I had held off on confirming based on whether I could get 
> the Roadster finished or not.
> Enrique
> > WHAT!!  Come on guys - it is just little snow!  Man, I remember pushing
> > snow with the bumper of my Roadster.
> >
> > Get out and be a man - no tops allowed - on the Roadster or you... AR,
> > AR, AR..
> > Subject: [Roadsters] Hood River Run postponed due to snow!
> >
> > The weatherman is calling for snow down to 500 ft in the gorge this
> > weekend!
> >
> > So we have decided to postpone the event. We'll have a new date soon!
> >
> > I'll send emails to those who have RSVP'd and post on 311s.org - if you
> > know someone who was planning on attending, please let them know!
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > Leigh Brooks
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