[Roadsters] adjust dizzy

oliver sumton at sbcglobal.net
Mon Oct 29 20:01:52 MST 2007

OK.  that was too easy.

OK.  so maybe it wasn't really up to full power before.

had a couple of good suggestions, all of which included rotating the engine 
by hand.  i'm way too lazy to fight all that compression, so i pulled the 

oh.  you mean they are ALL supposed to have a GAP????

cylinder #3 spark plug had no gap.  yeah.  none at all.  funny how hard it 
is to run an engine on 3 cylinders . . .

and yes, tomorrow i'm buying new spark plugs, too!!!!

sad thing is i can't go for a test drive until tomorrow because i haven't 
finished hooking up the lights yet :-( 

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