[Roadsters] California fires

John Friederich j.f at cox.net
Mon Oct 29 09:06:52 MST 2007

Please tell me the cat was found in good health...

John F
'69 2000

----- Original Message -----
From: "Chris Casey" <chrisca66 at yahoo.com>
To: "'Datsun Roadster List'" <datsun-roadsters at autox.team.net>
Sent: Monday, October 29, 2007 7:52 AM
Subject: Re: [Roadsters] California fires

>   Monday, October 22, 4:20 am...
>   I awoke to the sounds of the block behind us in flames.
>   We had no warning... we flew out of the house in less than five minutes.
>   The street behind us was in falmes, the cul-d-sac to the north was in
flames, the hill to the west was in flames.  I had to leave the roadster
behind.  I just couldn't see driving a convertable when it was raining
flaming embers!
>   When I talked the police into escorting me back into our neighborhood on
Tuesday to look for our cat "Archie" I found our house still there.  We lost
4 houses on our street, 11 on the street behind us, and 24 on the block
behind that (on Lankenshire... where president Bush took his stroll through
the  rubble).
>   The house is pretty smokey and the garage is covered in sute and ash,
including the roadster.  But at least is is still there!
>   All in all, a very close call.
>   Chris Casey
>   66' 1600
>   Rancho Bernardo
>   San Diego.
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