[Roadsters] California fires

tminerpcav at aol.com tminerpcav at aol.com
Wed Oct 24 23:20:48 MDT 2007

If anyone in San Diego County needs a safe shelter for their cars, I'll offer space in Orange County which I'm certain is safe from the fires.? Let me know if I can help.

Tim Miner
949-510-4434 cell

---- Original Message ----
From: Daryl Smith <drlsmith at dccnet.com>
To: roadsters at hornesystemstx.com; datsun-roadsters at autox.team.net
Sent: Wed, 24 Oct 2007 5:48 pm
Subject: Re: [Roadsters] California fires

I'll second that thought.

>   I  flew into the Los Angeles area yesterday and was quite surprised by
>   all  the smoke we saw from the air. i grew up in L.A county, but never
>   experienced as much smoke and fires as this.
>   Is  anyone  in  the areas affected? Hope not, and may everyone be safe
>   from these fires.
>   Peace,
>   Pat

tminerpcav at aol.com

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