[Roadsters] Matchin VIN and engine numbers

Lars Tungen lars.tungen at abaris.no
Tue Oct 23 04:35:58 MDT 2007

Hi all,

I am working on a Vin# decoder for the online Fairlady parts catalog and
need some help. To be able to match some engine parts to the correct VIN#
ranges I must first match R16 & U20 engine numbers to VIN#. I have not been
able to find much information about this, so I have decided to try to use
some statistics. Using available data from the roadster registry at 311s.org
it was possible to create diagrams showing the relationship between engine
numbers and vins. An example of this for the 1965-67 SPL311 is available
here: http://tinyurl.com/2zc5ln 

Some cars obviously have had their engines swapped, but with more data it
should be possible to achive some very accurate results. Unfortunately, very
few of the entries in the 311s.org registry contains engine#. 

So therefore I am looking for VIN# matched to engine numbers. If you want to
help please send me your vin & engine number to my email address:
lars.tungen at abaris.no.

I need data for all models, engines and years: SP310, SPL310, SP311, SRL31,
SP311, SR311....

And if you are certain that your engine has not been swapped, please give me
a heads up on that fact. That would improve the accuracy of the data even

Your help is greatly appreciated.

Lars Tungen

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