[Roadsters] OT: Parts Report on British American Tranfer and FocusParts

Gordon Glasgow gsglasgow at comcast.net
Sun Oct 21 17:24:39 MDT 2007

Just for the edification and enlightenment of the suspension geeks out
there, the stiffness of a sway bar increases as the 4th power of the
diameter. So a 1.2" diameter bar has about twice the stiffness of a 1" bar.

Gordon Glasgow
Renton, WA

> Hello List,
> O.T, Focus Parts Source:
> The fat rear bar is only about 1/8th thicker than the bar that was there,
> and I understand the SVT team kept the front bar the same size, so
> everytihing should be balanced at the limit.  I wonder how the car will
> autocross????  hehe

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