[Roadsters] Around the block

Andy Cost andycost at embarqmail.com
Sat Oct 20 21:27:10 MDT 2007

After two years Bucephalus moved under his own power today.  We took a brief
stroll around the block without drama or fanfare.  I did punch it a couple
of times and found out that the supercharged KA24DE can spin 30 inch wide
rubber at will.  The wine of the supercharger is still pretty scary.  I may
have to move the intake out of the passenger floorboard.  It is actually up
higher under the dash but still in the passenger compartment.

There are a couple of minor brake fluid leaks.  I will fix them when I
install the 4 piston calipers.  The Outlaw 2000 caliper install looks to be
much simpler than it seems. I just need to fabricate a mounting bracket.
The hard brake line from the hose needs to be bent a little.  That's it.  It
will be much simpler than a Toyota 4x4 or Volvo conversion.

I need to tidy up some wires, secure some hoses and wires, install the
methanol/water injection system, fabricate an aluminum cover over the
package tray area, build a new roll bar, and tie some other minor loose
ends.  The radiator started leaking a little so I'm going to have to deal
with that.

Overall It is coming together nicely and hopefully will be ready to race
(but not completely finished) by Nov 10-11 which is the last autocross of
the season.



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