[Roadsters] datsun wiring - high/low

Pat Horne roadsters at hornesystemstx.com
Fri Oct 19 19:07:16 MDT 2007

Yes, it is on the column. The turn signal lever moves forward and 
backward, and stays in each position. There is a contact on the lever 
that controls a relay in the engine compartment. You can connect the 
headlight wires to the relay so that high beam is either away from you, 
or toward you, depending on what you prefer. (I can't remember which way 
is correct.)


Thusly spake oliver:
> OK.  this must sound really dumb, but i'm just trying to verify something.
> my car was in kit form when i bought it, and i'm working through the wiring 
> diagram.
> it finally hit me that this car does not have a pedal high/low beam, so it 
> must be on the column?????  part of the blinker stalk workings??
> thanks.
> ealry 67 low windshield 1600, moving under its own power, but not wired up 
> yet. 
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Pat Horne, Owner, Horne Systems 
(512) 797-7501 Voice		5026 FM 2001
Pat at HorneSystemsTx.com	Lockhart, TX 78644-4443
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