[Roadsters] Overheating question

Matthew Cox oscilloscope500 at yahoo.com
Thu Oct 18 00:21:12 MDT 2007

Thanks for the tips so far everyone. Just to clarify, I have a 67 1600. Sorry about that...
  Keep the ideas coming!
  Matthew in Phoenix
  '67 1600

ljordan704 at netscape.net wrote:
Where is the oil flow adjuster? I never heard of that before.


-----Original Message-----
From: John F Sandhoff 
To: Matthew Cox 
Cc: roadster list 
Sent: Wed, 17 Oct 2007 9:20 pm
Subject: Re: [Roadsters] Overheating question

> My car has rapidly overheated (in 3-4 minutes) the past couple of
> times I have driven it...

Do a compression test. This really sounds like you blew a head gasket :-(

With everything together and the radiator cap off, at idle do you see
bubbles in the coolant? That would be exhaust gas from a bad gasket...

> ...when I opened the oil filler cap and looked in there and it didn't
> look terribly wet.

Hmmm - sorry, I didn't note: 1600 or 2000? Either way it should be
good and slimy up there. On a 2000 the spinning camshaft will throw
oil all about - if you leave the cap off while it's idling, you'll
quickly know it :-)

On the 1600, there's an oil flow adjuster that if it's screwed down
it'll starve the valve train.

If the bearings are really bad you'll have great flow and zip pressure.
No pressure = nothing to the top end, and likely not much to the
cylinder walls. That could heat things up quickly :-(

-- John
John F Sandhoff sandhoff at csus.edu Sacramento, CA

ljordan704 at netscape.net

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