[Roadsters] Bounty Hunters listen up

Andrew Murphy solex675 at hotmail.com
Tue Oct 9 10:54:14 MDT 2007


As much as I enjoy driving the roadster, I have long known that I am not
mechanically inclined other than changing the fluids and lubing the chassis.
Well, last June I epxerienced some major electrical issues to the point where
replacing the alternator and some electrical relays became necessary. However,
the sins of the PO came back to haunt me as a butchered wiring harness made it
virtually impossible to wire in a new alternator and also made the wiring
diagram I had unreliable at best.

So now I am throwing in the towel, mea clupa, and I am reaching out to the
community at large for help. As some of you know, I live in Southern
California. I am willing to trailer the car anywhere within a reasonable
distance to a service resource. I have tried the more well-known vendors and
they are too busy to help me anytime soon.

I am willing to make it worth someone's while to help get my car back on the
road. I sure would like to take the car to Solvang next year and to even
further sweeten the pot, I pledge to support 500.00 to buy some nice prize for
the banquet raffle. I want to get back on the road and need to rely on the
skills of others to do so.

So thank you to anyone who cares to assist me in this.

Hope to see you on the road soon!

Andrew Murphy
1966 1600
Boo! Scare away worms, viruses and so much more! Try Windows Live OneCare!

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