[Roadsters] Boerne Dinner Pics

Hall, Phillip B. (MSFC-ED03) Phillip.B.Hall at nasa.gov
Wed Oct 3 06:34:34 MDT 2007

 Hey all -

I just want to thank everyone for coming out to dinner in Texas!!  See
Ron's note below - hope you don't mind Ron.   It was a great evening
with you guys!   I will say that every Roadster guy/gal/couple that I
have met were outstanding.  Ron has a wonderful book on Roadster
happenings from the 70's that is a must see, Dan and Marc - many thanks
for bringing your works of art, and it was great to meet Corky Bell -
you must pick up copies of his turbocharging and supercharging books!

Yes - there was talk about that elusive East Coast Roadster event.....
Happy to have it in Huntsville - my house is open to you guys.

Again - thanks everyone!!


-----Original Message-----
From: Ronnie Day [mailto:ronnie.day at gmail.com]
Sent: Saturday, September 29, 2007 5:59 PM
To: Marc Tyler; Hall, Phillip B. (MSFC-ED03); Corky Bell; Pat Horne; Dan
Zubkoff; Tom Walter - Yahoo
Subject: Boerne Dinner Pics

Check 'em out at (http://homepage.mac.com/rond510/PhotoAlbum1.html).
This is my first DotMac web page, and thinking about it, my first
personal page, period. If there are corrections, just let me know.

I think everyone had a great time. Elayne and I did, and I still can't
believe that Dan (aka, Iron Butt!!) drove all the way from Katy, had a
soda and stayed for barely 30 minutes, and then drove straight back
home. Dan, your roadster and Marc's pickup really set the evening off

Let's figure out how and where we can do it again soon, Ron

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