[Roadsters] MGB-GM V6 swap kit company in Malibu

Marc&Heidi mtyler at hctc.net
Wed Nov 21 16:01:08 MST 2007

On Nov 21, 2007, at 11:02 AM, andycost at embarqmail.com wrote:

> My ears were burning so I checked my e-mail.
> The best powerplant in the world won't make the wipers or the  
> headlights work.

You now must spin around 3 times and spit in the direction of   
Abingdon, or we'll all have electrical gremlins in our roadsters.     
Remember what happened to Tim Miner's car during the Hemmings MGB /  
Roadster shootout.

Now excuse me while I throw rice over my shoulder...


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