[Roadsters] Original Emergency Jack - Looking for a crank

Pat Horne roadsters at hornesystemstx.com
Tue Nov 20 08:21:20 MST 2007

The general consensus is that the factory jacks are for show only and 
not for actual use. They are very good at digging into the doors when 
the car decides to move. Having said that, I have used mine several 
times without any problems. YMMV.


Thusly spake Nathaniel Leeds:
> I have an original emergency jack -- but no crank. Has anyone had any luck
> getting these cranks from junk yards, or improvising something with a socket
> wrench?
> N
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Pat Horne, Owner, Horne Systems 
(512) 797-7501 Voice		5026 FM 2001
Pat at HorneSystemsTx.com	Lockhart, TX 78644-4443
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