[Roadsters] Was Twisties Needed: Now why 67.5 is black

Jim InVirginia nqrithfordatsun at msn.com
Mon Nov 12 20:13:36 MST 2007

For all:
67.5 was the first little twinge of the federal government making rules for
cars.  One early attempt was to make less shiny things inside the car that
could blind or distract the driver by sun reflection.

Thats why 67.5 had the instrument bezels painted black, and per the below
post, probably also the twisties.  Now, in 68 the full initial treatment of
federal law took place, and we get the taller windscreen (so the wipers could
wipe a legal square footage, same reason MGB went to 3 wipers), padded dash,
no more toggle switches that could poke peoples guts in an accident, etc etc

Not sure if the twisties stayed black after 67.5, or if folks figured out that
it really didnt make much difference.

There.  Thats my little bit of trivia for the day.
Best Regards,
Chesapeake Virginia> Date: Mon, 12 Nov 2007 08:29:15 -0600> From:
roadsters at hornesystemstx.com> To: fairlady66 at gmail.com> CC:
datsun-roadsters at autox.team.net> Subject: Re: [Roadsters] Twisties Needed> >
The dash twisties I picked up for my 67.5 are black. Are all years that way?>
> Peace,> Past> > Thusly spake Chris & Christy Breyer:> > Hey List,> > A
couple of weeks ago I put out a request for some twisties. I have> > put a new
dash pad on my car and it needs twisties. Several of you> > responded. It
turns out that my friend that had some could not find> > them, so I am still
in need. I need four twisties for the dash.> > Does anyone has some extras
they with would find a new home?> >> > ~Chris> >> > > > > -- > Pat Horne,
Owner, Horne Systems > (512) 797-7501 Voice 5026 FM 2001>
Pat at HorneSystemsTx.com Lockhart, TX 78644-4443> www.hornesystemstx.com> -- We
support Habitat for Humanity - a hand UP, not a hand OUT --

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