[Roadsters] X-Country - Need Mechanic in PHX

kendelmccarley at cox.net kendelmccarley at cox.net
Sun Nov 11 19:03:08 MST 2007

If you're coming through Tucson, I can point you towards a station with 100 octane.

---- Richard Brown <reblues at reblues.net> wrote: 

This past April I made the trip from ATL to PHX.  I spent two weeks there. 
After the first fill up in PHX, at a Circle K, the car started running as 
you described., miss at speed, low power.   On the trip home it got better 
after the first fill up in TX, but not back to the way it was before AZ.

When I got home and checked the plugs they had a yellowish color to them.  I 
replaced them and the car got back to normal.

I thought of a couple of possible causes.  1. The change in humidity in AZ 
throwing off the Solex's mixture causing the plugs to foul.  2. I heard that 
all of AZ gas has a x% of ethanol? or some such thing.  Shell stations here 
in GA have a similar mixture and my car runs like crap on it.   AZ doesn't 
seem to know about 93 octane so I couldn't try that for a cure.  I did run 
regular, 89 octane, most of the trip and the car ran fine, just a little 
power loss.

Maybe a combination of these.  Or something else all together.I don't  think 
it was the Circle K gas.  I filled up at other stations there and the 
problem didn't go away.   That's just what I came up with.  Other than the 
fouled plugs I didn't see any long term effects.  Compression and leak down 
test numbers didn't change.

Hope you have a great trip.  If you come thru ATL, stop by and say hey.

Richard Brown
1970 2000 with Solexes

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "peter harrison" <granvillecomputing at hotmail.com>
To: <datsun-roadsters at autox.team.net>
Sent: Sunday, November 11, 2007 10:56 AM
Subject: [Roadsters] X-Country - Need Mechanic in PHX

> Drove from LAX -> PHX - no problem.
> Filled up w/Circle K Gas (Premuim) - suddenly in 5th at 4K+ engine starts 
> to
> misfire - want to have everything checked out before I drive to the
> hinterlands.
> Any suggestions
> Thx
> Peter
> 1970 SPL Roadster TOAD SAN (Eliza)
> ________________________________________

kendelmccarley at cox.net

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