[Roadsters] roadster rotisserie progress

Daniel Solomon d-solomon at comcast.net
Sun Nov 11 10:18:11 MST 2007

once again, my message never made it to the list.  I'll try again. 3rd 
try is the charm?

I loaded my roadster onto my own home-built rotisserie this weekend.  
I've linked pics below. I found that my pivot points were quite 
different from Graeme's.  This could be due to the weight of the 
carriage I built.  I'm not sure.



For the rotating parts, I used the rear hubs from a late model FWD 
chevy.  $5/ea. at the pull-a-part.  I built it so that every dimension 
is adjustable.  Hopefully this will allow me to sell it when I'm done, 
rather than junk it.
The one thing I'm unhappy with is the casters.  I skimped and bought 'em 
at Harbor Freight.  While they seem to carry the weight fine, they don't 
like to change directions... ie:  they don't "caster".  I'll likely end 
up changing them out over time.
Once I got it in the air, I was able to see all of the surprises that 
the previous "restorer" left for me.  ie: bondo a full inch thick on the 
rocker panels, covering rusted-through metal.  They placed mesh tape 
behind the holes to hold the bondo in place.  I've got alot of time 
ahead of me on the body work. I'll need to replace both rockers, 
drivers-side floor, trunk floor, rear edge of both rear wheel-arches, 
and then the front inner fenders....(depending on how much remains after 
I cut it all up for the new motor....)

just an update. hope y'all have a great weekend.

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