[Roadsters] "B" dash light - circuit to nowhere?

Kerry and Kae Zariwny zariwny100 at comcast.net
Thu Nov 8 10:39:27 MST 2007

Ahh The pretty red light.

I have told the list this story a long time ago but years ago I told a
friend who was riding in my  roadster for the first time that the s/brake
switch was actually an early version of turbo power that Datsun had in its
roadsters. He did not believe me, of course, until I pulled the switch, red
light kicks on and suddenly we accelerated down the freeway. Pushed it in,
light goes off and we slowed. So he tried it. He pulls the s/brake,light
goes on and we accelerate. He pushes it in, light goes off and we slow down.
I had him going for about 30 minutes until I finally told him that every
time he pulled the switch,  I was stepping on the gas. He pushes it in, I
let off the gas.

He did not take it very well :-)

Kerry Z
Portland Oregon
A "Rare Turbo" 1968 1600

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Gary McCormick" <gkmcc at sbcglobal.net>
To: <nmleeds at mindspring.com>; <datsun-roadsters at autox.team.net>
Sent: Thursday, November 08, 2007 8:13 AM
Subject: Re: [Roadsters] "B" dash light - circuit to nowhere?

> Someone should be keeping a log of how often this question comes up.
> The pretty red light in the "Brake Safety Lamp Check Knob" (as it is
> referred to in the Owner's Manual) is the Brake Safety Lamp. The light in
> the knob is activated when a) a failure (drop in pressure) in either the
> front or rear brake hydraulic circuits is detected, or b) you pull the
> knob out.
> There is a valve block mounted on the firewall which the front and rear
> brake circuits are routed through. If the valve detects a pressure
> imbalance between the front and rear circuits when the brakes are applied,
> a switch is activated which lights this lamp. Pulling the knob checks that
> the lamp is functioning.
> Gary McCormick
> San Jose, CA
> '70 2000 SRL311-13291
> nmleeds at mindspring.com wrote: Could someone tell me what the "B" dashboard
> light is for? The best I can figure the service brake switch on the dash
> turns it on and off, but it isn't hooked up to anything else--fun, but
> even I get bored turning lights on and off.
> Is there some missing hardware that should connect this light to the
> parking brake? Should I wire it to the brake lights?
> Nathaniel Leeds
> '69 2000 (electrically challenged)
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