[Roadsters] Acknowledgements

peter harrison granvillecomputing at hotmail.com
Thu Nov 8 10:04:23 MST 2007

I am off tomorrow and before I leave (and in case I don't return <G>) I 
wanted to acknowledge the people who have made this trip possible: in 
alphabetic order

Allen Hor(o?)witz - for being there - transporting my engine and me from 
place to place

Dean - for having the parts in the 1st place and having them available - 
sure he made money out of me - but thats why he is in business - and i am 
grateful (try getting the parts for a 1949 MKVI Bentley with the same speed 
and reasonable price - I have - it ain't possible)

Gary Wasserman - for the tranny core  - extra parts - and overall 
cheerfulness and friendship

Jason - (Taylors - Chatsworth) - an outstanding, knowledgeable and friendly 
mechanic and easy to work with

Linda Jordan  - for her time and excellent engine cleaning skills

Marc (Rockfish) ( don't know last name ) for lending me the engine leveller 
and his time and pointing out that I needed some more (different) parts

Mark De Groof - machining/welding skills and for a MUCH appreciated mantra 
(there is never enough time to do it right - there is ALWAYS enough time to 
do it twice)

Ross Mullen - Getting me the drive shaft (and some of those pesky dash bolts 
) with alacrity and cheer

Skip Miller (Pasadena) quickly disassembling the tranny and identifying 
those parts that Dean could make money on <G> - and then reassembling it 
with professionalism and speed

So, this will be an adventure - and thanks again to all

1970 SPL Roadster TOAD SAN (Eliza)

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