[Roadsters] Dash Board Lights - ideas?

geegc at aol.com geegc at aol.com
Tue Nov 6 14:46:04 MST 2007

someone a long time ago mentioned a mini halogen that worked and was brighter, anyone remember?

Gary C

-----Original Message-----
From: nmleeds at mindspring.com
To: datsun-roadsters at autox.team.net
Sent: Tue, 6 Nov 2007 12:04 pm
Subject: [Roadsters] Dash Board Lights - ideas?

I've been using the spec. dash board lights, #1445 (base style b9s, glass size 
g3.5, hours 2000, and 0.135 amps) and even after cleaning all the electrical and 
connectors they aren't that bright. I was wondering if anybody could recommend 
something that will work but is a little brighter without being so hot that it 
will melt the the inside of my dash components.


geegc at aol.com

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