[Roadsters] Roadster beats out MGA in SCCA GP Championship

Chris Coker cfcoker at gmail.com
Thu Dec 20 12:20:23 MST 2007

At that track, the AVERAGE lap speed for that class is about 75-85
mph, based on their qualifying lap times.  Trap speeds weren't
available, but my guess is that top speed is between 100-110 mph.
When they ran at Mid Ohio, I know Bill had a top speed of 112 mph, and
the top guys were running between 100-117.  Bill's 1600 motor, with SU
carbs, is making somewhere in the neighborhood of 135+ hp.  With the
racing slicks you can run in that class, the cornering speeds are
quite high.

Bill is a very good driver, and races on a shoestring budget
(comparatively speaking).  Always good to seem him do well against
folks who are spending a lot more money.  But, having raced with a lot
of those guys, they're all good people. :)


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