[Roadsters] Roadster air filter question ...

Chris Coker cfcoker at gmail.com
Thu Dec 20 10:50:49 MST 2007

I built a cold air box for my race car, used the left headlight
opening for air-intake.  A lot of trial and error involved, but
overall is was an improvement.  One thing to keep in mind...if you get
a decent enough ram-air effect, the pressure differential between the
fuel at the jet, and the fuel at the top of the floats can cause funny
things to happy to happen with the fuel level at the nozzle jet.  Best
approach is to also connect the overflows from the float tops to the
air box.  This equalizes the pressure differential "seen" by the

some old pictures of the work in progress (and while I still owned the
car) are here:

Chris Coker

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