[Roadsters] G Production on SpeedTV

Gordon Glasgow gsglasgow at comcast.net
Wed Dec 19 12:11:21 MST 2007

I just happened to stumble through the SpeedTV coverage of the SCCA Runoffs
G Production race this morning. Man, what a great race! I know people have
talked about the results here on the list, and I read the (skimpy) coverage
in Sports Car, but I had no idea it was that exciting! To see Bill and
6-time GP champ Kent Prather in his MGA going fender to fender, pass and
re-pass, was really fun. Even though in the end, Prather's engine went off
and Bill touched the wall, it was a tremendous duel. Plus there were some
very nice 510's in the race as well.

Unfortunately it looks like that was the only time SpeedTV is showing it.

Gordon Glasgow 
Renton, WA 

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