[Roadsters] Elk encounter
Brian Reynolds
brianrreynolds at yahoo.com
Sun Dec 16 15:17:03 MST 2007
Before I got into Roadsters, I rode motorcycles. One day, while riding on
a gravel road at about 70mph, a crow flew straight into my helmet, hitting
me in the forehead. I remember seeing this black blob and huge black wings
coming straight at me. I looked over my shoulder and saw it falling into
the ditch. I went back to put it out of its misery if necessary, and saw
it had a broken neck and two broken legs. It's a miracle I didn't crash,
but I had a headache for 3 days. I'm glad I'm in a Roadster now, and one
with a rollbar too.
'69 2000
--- James Fogg <James at jdfogg.com> wrote:
> > Word gets out quickly when you hit an elk. I had lots of well meaning
> > people make jokes and comments about elk meat, etc. I just have a
> hard
> > time finding any humor in the accident. If the elk had entered the
> cabin
> > a foot to either the left or right, the elk may not have been the only
> > one to die that day.
> >
> > Lesson learned. Slow down on those twisty mountain roads in elk
> country.
> > Especially early morning and dusk, when they're more active.
> I hit a moose a few years ago and lived (the survival rate for that kind
> of accident is terribly small). The moose didn't make it.
> It was on a lonely country highway in New Hampshire. And every driver
> stopped and asked if I was going to keep the meat. 10 years ago NH
> stopped allowing you to take a road kill. Instead, the NH Game Dept.
> slaughters the meat and distributes it to needy families via the welfare
> department.
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