[Roadsters] Miata seats

VulForge at aol.com VulForge at aol.com
Sun Dec 16 11:03:37 MST 2007

Hello, all!
     I, like Roman, am back to the list after a  hiatus.  Interesting to see 
that many of the same names are still  here!
     My 67 1600 has been progressing in it's rolling  restoration.  This past 
year I rebuilt the transmission to replace the  leaking front seal that was 
greasing the clutch.  The inside of that  gearbox is MUCH more complicated than 
I would have expected.  There was  much trial-and-error involved in the 
disassembly, since the Clymer book doesn't  tell you things such as the Rubik's 
cube movements needed to remove the shift  rods.
     I was eventually successful, and it works  great.  I took the 
opportunity while the motor was out to remove 40 years  of grease and grime from the 
frame and POR 15 it.  Also I painted the motor  and radiator shroud and made them 
look new.  I had the gas tank soldered  and sealed and replaced the hard line 
to the front and restored the glass  separator bowl.  Is there supposed to be 
a filter element in there?   Les at CDM supplied all the parts and some very 
helpful advice.
     Over the winter I plan to finish the interior,  including changing to 
Miata seats and 4-point harness.  The stock seats are  not bad with the addition 
of good sheepskin covers, but I would like more  lateral and lumbar support, 
and headrests.
     Does anyone who has done this conversion have  advice?  It seems that I 
will have to build spacers to raise the seat rails  since the seat pan is 
lower than the rails.  I am also concerned about  clearance between the front edge 
of the seat and steering wheel.
     The next problem is the belts.  It should be  no problem to find places 
to bolt down the ends, but I need to figure out how to  hold up the shoulder 
ends.  On racing-style seats they pass through the  seat back.  Any good ideas 
about how to support them with the Miata  seats?
     I hope to get the car comfortable and reliable  enough to put some 
distance on it in 2008.  Eric and Steve have formed the  start of a Midwest 
roadster club, but we are separated by hundreds of  miles.  I envy the Left Coast 
roadsterites that regularly gather in  person!  The only other owner I knew here 
with a running car just moved to  Colorado.
     I'm glad to be back to the forum, and look forward  to your suggestions!
Russell  Criswell
Vulcan's Forge

3936 Broadway
Kansas City, MO  64111

816-931-9378 fax
877-531-1048  toll-free

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