[Roadsters] stuck hood
Richard Brown
reblues at reblues.net
Sat Dec 15 11:14:32 MST 2007
What I have done is remove the right front wheel. Then used a long rod to
reach up through the wheel well, behind the engine and pushed the hood
release lever.
Richard Brown
----- Original Message -----
From: "Tom @ Datsun2000" <tom at datsun2000.com>
To: <roadsters at hornesystemstx.com>; "Larry Braddock"
<larrybraddock at ca.rr.com>
Cc: <datsun-roadsters at autox.team.net>
Sent: Saturday, December 15, 2007 1:13 PM
Subject: Re: [Roadsters] stuck hood
> Sorry to hear about your hood problem. Like Pat, I keep telling myself
> that
> I am going to put a small rope, or wire rope on the release lever and run
> it
> through the firewall or a small hole in the left inner fender so it hangs
> inside the wheel well area. Even though I inspect the pull cable often,
> every time I open the hood I wonder if it will open. I think I will go
> write that task down on my winter work list so I can check it off when it
> is
> done.
> Tom
> 69 2000 - Mr. Hyde
> 92 Lexus SC400 - Dr. Jeckle
> http://www.datsun2000.com
> http://www.nowroc.org
> -----Original Message-----
> From: datsun-roadsters-bounces+tom=datsun2000.com at autox.team.net
> [mailto:datsun-roadsters-bounces+tom=datsun2000.com at autox.team.net]On
> Behalf Of Pat Horne
> Sent: Saturday, December 15, 2007 9:27 AM
> To: Larry Braddock
> Cc: datsun-roadsters at autox.team.net
> Subject: Re: [Roadsters] stuck hood
> If you can get to the hood hinge bolts from underneath, take them out
> and lift the front of the hood enough to get a long hooked piece of
> stiff wire in to pull the latch arm. After you get it open, add a piece
> of aircraft control cable or bicycle brake cable from the latch in
> through a convenient hole in the firewall so if/when it happens again
> you won't have to go through so much trouble.
> Each time this comes up I pledge that I will add the emergency cable,
> but haven't yet!
> Peace,
> Pat
> Thusly spake Larry Braddock:
>> I can't open the hood on my 69 2000. I think the cable end inside broke
>> or
>> came unhooked.
>> Anybody solved this problem without having to do body work thereafter?
>> Larry
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> --
> Pat Horne, Owner, Horne Systems
> (512) 797-7501 Voice 5026 FM 2001
> Pat at HorneSystemsTx.com Lockhart, TX 78644-4443
> www.hornesystemstx.com
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