[Roadsters] 8500 miles

Tim tputland at charter.net
Thu Dec 13 12:10:51 MST 2007

There were two couples in either New Zealand or Australia who did about that many miles recently. 

I think Graeme amy have sent the link out. 

All in all, it is an amazing distance in any car! I get sore after 50 or so!

Belleville, WI.
Still clueless but always learning

---- Andrew Murphy <solex675 at hotmail.com> wrote: 


8500 miles in a roadster! I have never heard of anyone driving that many
contiguous miles. You win the perpetual "Iron Butt" award - Miata seats or

Being a bit of a wordsmith, I can tell you the word is patinated....

Congrats to you and Eliza for completing this epic journey!

Take Care,

Andrew Murphy

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