[British-cars] Dream Shop

wbeech at flash.net wbeech at flash.net
Sat Aug 27 17:10:18 MDT 2011

I have the unprecedented opportunity to move into a near-virginal 30x30 shop
next week.  Does anyone have any ideal plans as to a layout for a shop
almost exclusively dedicated to the hobby?
There is a 12' wide O/H door at one end and a 10' wide door at the other.  I
am probably going to put my two workbenches. Bead blast cabinet and two roll
around boxes on one wall with rack storage on the other.  This still leaves
me a lot of floor space for Tarbaby and I still need to have room for a few
racks of parts and tools.  Another want, after I recuperate financially,
would be a lift.  Please don't suggest another LBC, that would put me over
the edge.
Any floor plan suggestions, drawings or pictures would be appreciated.
Maybe I should invite Jay Leno over for a consult?

Have a great w/e!


Bill Beecher
'58 TR-3A TS30766L  "Tarbaby"
"A Triumph is man's best friend, it always comes when it is called...of
course, some times it is difficult to make it go"

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