[British-cars] [Spits] Recalls & Smart Laws

Randall tr3driver at ca.rr.com
Thu Jun 28 10:32:59 MDT 2007

> Today we are so keen to regulate intelligence that it is becoming a stupid

I agree entirely.

> I may be wrong but surely signalling is advisory 
> not mandatory.

Unfortunately, it's mandatory in every US state I've ever driven in. Whether
there is any traffic present or not.

> If we sock it to people who do not signal how 
> about socking it to those who tailgate, those who chat on 
> their cell phone while driving,

My impression is that Virginia plans to do those, too.  The news article I
read talked about how they are funding new transportation projects with the
proceeds from the new penalties.

> and those who have animals in cars

Then who would drive the car ?


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