[British-cars] Recalls & Smart Laws

pethier at comcast.net pethier at comcast.net
Thu Jun 28 09:05:31 MDT 2007

From: "FRED E THOMAS" <frede.thomas2 at verizon.net>
> Listers, on all the news programs this a/m, there will be a recall on several
> brands of tires made in Japan, including Yokohomo's, 

I hear it is only one factory in China.

> New Virginia law effective on Monday July 2, 2007,
> failure to give hand signal or turn signal regular cost of court plus fine,
> then DMV will charge a "FEE" from $1050.00 for 1st offense

Not exactly "first offense".

and you will see you need 8 points on your record to be hit with these fees. 

Interesting part is that if you are from Maryland (or Minnesota) they can't charge the fees.  Flip-flop on the usual "soak-the-out-of-staters' philosophy.

Some European systems are interesting.  In some countries you pay fines proportional to your income.  Some guy in Scandianvia got a fine for speeding or the like in his Lambo(?) and it was many thousands of dollars.  Anybody have a pointer to this story to fill in the blanks of my Swiss-cheese memory?

Phil Ethier  West Side  Saint Paul Minnesota  USA
1962 Triumph TR4 CT2846L, 1992 Saturn SL2, 1993 Suburban,
1994 Miata C package
pethier [at] comcast [dot] net    http://forum.mnautox.com/forums/
I decry the textmessagization of the American-English language.

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